

My passion for photography began at a young age. My father was an avid photographer and I remember pouring through shoe boxes full of photos neatly organized by year.  The photography landscape has changed drastically since the advent of both the digital camera and mobile phone.  As digital photography pushes forward there is still a desire to handle and hold a tangible photo by many both young and old.  During the last decade FujiFilm has worked to produce a line of quality cameras and just as importantly a line of high quality film.  

The Everything Instax mission is simple:  create the world's best reviews and provide the most useful information to all Instax/instant cameras and accessories. Ultimately leading you camera that suits your needs budget and interests. Please consider supporting our website by purchasing cameras and film through our links.  A portion of the purchase goes directly to us.  

And if you are more interested in renting and not buying please visit our partners over at InstantCameraRental.com.



Ethics Statement: I purchase all products reviewed on EverythingInstax.com this includes the Fujifilm Instax Mini 70 reviewed here. I have not been paid or compensated to write this or any review on this site. The reviews are based on my opinions often times backed up with examples. My opinions are based on nearly 10 years of hands on field tested experience with Instax products and accessories. Within the article there are links to products. We do make a small commission of for each sale which help keep the content on this site update to date and relevant. Please consider using our links. If you have specific comments, questions or critiques of my reviews please contact me here.
Matt Skolikas
Owner - www.EverythingInstax.com & www.InstantCameraRental.com